best boy

美 [ˈbest bɔɪ]英 [ˈbest bɔɪ]
  • n.(摄制电影时的)器材助理
best boybest boy


the assistant to the person in charge of the electrical equipment used when making a film/movie

  1. I came to tell you to be the best boy you can be .


  2. Her ' best boy mate ' asked her to be his date , she said .


  3. Key grip , gaffer and best boy are all jobs on a movie set , that 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "


  4. Alan posed a difficult problem . It was not in question that he must adapt to public school life . But what public school would cater best for a boy whose principal concern was to do experiments with muddy jam jars in the coal cellar ?


  5. The giant loved him best because the little boy had kissed him .


  6. Yet I sometimes think a little good advice is the best thing for a boy at certain times in his life .


  7. People have gathered outside St. Mary 's Hospital to give their best wishes to the boy and his mother .
